该视频由美国Advanced Cell Diagnostics公司的高级科学家讲解如何开展RNAscope®实验。内容包括:RNAscope®技术原理、实验所需的准备工作、实验过程中的注意事项和技巧、常见问题解答。
RNAscope®®原位定量专利技术由美国ACD公司(Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Inc., California, USA)开发,通过专利的双“Z”探针设计,使RNA原位杂交具有高度特异性、RNA单分子检测的敏感性并兼容自动化高通量分析,能够在单细胞水平同时定量多个RNA的表达。该视频由ACD公司制作,详细信息请访问ACD官网www.acdbio.com。更多中文资料请关注中国官方微信号(ACD_China)咨询。
整胚原位杂交是在完整胚胎和组织中研究基因时空表达模式的有力工具。但现有的实验方法无法准确的直接检测RNA,而且操作耗时,结果和蛋白表达水平不一致。新一代原位定量杂交技术RNAscope®可以在斑马鱼整胚上实现快速高效、精准定量、特异性的多重RNA原位检测。该webinar由美国ACD公司(Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Inc., California, USA)邀请德国Münster大学细胞生物学研究所Erez Raz教授实验室两位研究员Azadeh Paksa 和 Theresa Gros介绍他们利用RNAscope®技术实现斑马鱼整胚上同时原位检测3个RNA分子进行三维荧光分析。详细介绍了实验操作过程,如何优化条件,降低信噪比以及RNAscope®技术相比传统原位杂交技术的绝对优势。
文章题目: Simultaneous high-resolution detection of multiple transcripts combined with localization of proteins in whole-mount embryos. Gross-Thebing T, Paksa A, Raz E. BMC Biol. 2014 Aug 15;12(1):55.
RNAscope原位杂交技术助理新冠病毒检测及初步结果展示 1. RNAscope技术原理介绍 2. 在Zika,MERs-Cov,HIV等病毒研究中的应用实例 3. RNAscope应对新冠病毒研究的相关产品及结果展示
RNAscope®®原位定量专利技术由美国ACD公司(Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Inc., California, USA)开发,通过专利的双“Z”探针设计,使RNA原位杂交具有高度特异性、RNA单分子检测的敏感性并兼容自动化高通量分析,能够在单细胞水平同时定量多个RNA的表达。该视频由ACD公司制作,详细信息请访问ACD官网www.acdbio.com。更多中文资料请关注中国官方微信号(ACD_China)咨询。
Roy Parker (U. Colorado Boulder/HHMI) Part 2: P-bodies and the mRNA Cycle
In the second part of this lecture, I will provide an overview of why the regulation of translation and mRNA degradation is an important aspect of the control of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. In addition to the translating pool of mRNAs associated with polysomes, recent experiments have identified P-bodies and stress granules as specific cytoplasmic compartments wherein untranslated mRNAs accumulate. In addition to mRNAs, P-bodies tend to contain translation repressors and mRNA degradative enzymes, while stress granules reflect mRNAs in association with some translation initiation factors and RNA binding proteins. P-bodies and stress granules interact and suggest a dynamic process wherein eukaryotic mRNAs remodel their interacting proteins and enter and exit translation, thereby affecting the control of mRNAs in the cytoplasm. We are interested in defining the mechanisms by which P-bodies and stress granules assemble and how cells regulate the movement of mRNAs between these different biochemical and cell biological compartments. Several approaches will be described including biochemical and genetic analyses of known proteins modulating these events, as well as the identification of new factors affecting P-body and stress granule formation and function.
In 2012, Roy Parker joined the University of Colorado, Boulder after many years at the University of Arizona.
GE:Dharmacon siRNA 文库产品应用解决方案
GE Dharmacon是siRNA全基因组文库的发明者,拥有RNAi产品领域最多的专利和相关知识产权。Dharmacon pre-defined siRNA文库是目前应用最广泛、客户最值得信赖的siRNA文库。同时,Dharmacon牵头成立的RNAi全球协议组织(RGI)的60多个知名科研院所成员使用Dharmacon siRNA文库取得了良好的效果。siRNA文库筛选加速了基因功能的研究,加深了疾病发生机理的研究,并获得了更多新的药物作用机理和潜在药物靶点,已经成为获得高质量研究数据和加速研究进程的必备工具。
Protein synthesis: mRNA surveillance by the ribosome
Rachel Green (Johns Hopkins U., HHMI) 2: Protein synthesis: mRNA surveillance by the ribosome
Talk Overview:
In her first talk, Green provides a detailed look at protein synthesis, or translation. Translation is the process by which nucleotides, the “language” of DNA and RNA, are translated into amino acids, the “language” of proteins. Green begins by describing the components needed for translation; mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes, and the initiation, elongation, and termination factors. She then explains the roles of these players in ensuring accuracy during the initiation, elongation, termination and recycling steps of the translation process. By comparing translation in bacteria and eukaryotes, Green explains that it is possible to determine which components and steps are highly conserved and predate the divergence of different kingdoms on the tree of life, and which are more recent adaptations.
Green’s second talk focuses on work from her lab investigating how ribosomes detect defective mRNAs and trigger events leading to the degradation of the bad RNA and the incompletely translated protein product and to the recycling of the ribosome components. Working in yeast and using a number of biochemical and genetic techniques, Green’s lab showed that the protein Dom34 is critical for facilitating ribosome release from the short mRNAs that result from mRNA cleavage. Experiments showed that Dom34-mediated rescue of ribosomes from short mRNAs is an essential process for cell survival in higher eukaryotes.
Speaker Biography:
Rachel Green received her BS in chemistry from the University of Michigan. She then moved to Harvard to pursue her PhD in the lab of Jack Szostak where she worked on designing catalytic RNA molecules and investigating their implications for the evolution of life. As a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Green began to study how the ribosome translates mRNA to protein with such accuracy.
Currently, Green is a Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Research in her lab continues to focus on the ribosome and factors involved in the fidelity of eukaryotic and prokaryotic translation.
Green is the recipient of a Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Graduate Teaching Award as well as the recipient for numerous awards for her research. She was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2012.
非编码RNA起初被认为是基因组转录的“垃圾”,而近年来,多个高水平的杂志以封面形式报道长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA,LncRNA)的重要性,由此LncRNAs引起了人们广泛的关注,已成为各研究领域的一颗新星。
⑤一类特殊的ncRNA——circular RNA
该视频由美国Advanced Cell Diagnostics公司的应用科学家讲解如何将RNAscope®技术应用于药物安全性评价。临床前药物安全性评价和毒性研究需要检测组织中的生物标志物。通过使用基于Leica BOND RX的全自动RNAscope® 2.5 LS检测试剂盒,对来自大鼠、猴、犬的FFPE样本进行RNA原位杂交检测。RNAscope® 2.5 LS检测在每种物种的25中不用组织中均展现了稳健地检测,具有高信噪比,并能够良好地维持组织形态。在这些检测的基础上,我们为各种类型组织的样本预处理条件以及阳性对照探针的选择提供建议。另外,对于特定的RNA标志物,如CD31、CD68、细胞增殖表达Ki-67和细胞周期标志Cyclin E1以及凋亡相关分子Puma、Fas、DR5均进行了有效检测。这项研究表明,RNAscope®2.5 LS检测是临床前安全性评价和动物研究中生物标志物分析的一个有力平台。 详细信息请访问ACD官网www.acdbio.com。更多中文资料请关注中国官方微信号(ACD_China)咨询。