Dave deBronkART:所有病人应彼此交流
当Dave deBronkART了解到他得了一种罕见的晚期癌症,他在网上向和他一样的一群病人求助,并且找到了一种甚至他自己的医生都没听过的治疗方法。这救了他的命。 现在他号召所有的病人彼此交流,了解自身的健康数据,使医疗事业在每个e-病人的基础上变得更好。
美国大学预修课程:生物实验室课程 - pART 1
Paul Andersen详细介绍了美国大学预修课程的13个生物学实验。本课题的研究内容包括:人工选择, 哈迪-温伯格平衡定律,用BLAST比对DNA, 扩散和渗透、光合作用、呼吸、有丝分裂和减数分裂的基因。
美国大学预修课程:生物实验室课程 - pART 2
Paul Andersen详细介绍了美国大学预修课程的13个生物学实验。本课题的研究内容包括:人工选择, 哈迪-温伯格平衡定律,用BLAST比对DNA, 扩散和渗透、光合作用、呼吸、有丝分裂和减数分裂的基因。
Immunoblot Analysis Sean Gallagher(UVP,LLC)and Deb ChakravART(Proteomic Center)
Immunoblot Analysis Sean Gallagher(UVP,LLC)and Deb ChakravART(Proteomic Center)
抗原提呈和树突状细胞 - Ira Mellman PART 2
Ira Mellman (Genentech) PART 2: Antigen Presentation and Dendritic Cells
The immune response integrates two distinct systems of innate and adaptive immunity discovered over 100 years ago. Linking these two arms of the immune response is the task of a comparatively recently identified cell type, the dendritic cell. Dendritic cells have the capacity to detect the conserved microbial products that activate cells of the innate immune response and capture the dramatically wider diversity of microbial antigens to prime antibody and T cell responses characteristic of adaptive immunity. The unique capacity of dendritic cells for antigen processing and presentation reflects a series of remarkable specializations of basic principles of cell biology.
剪接体的结构和动力学 - Melissa Moore PART 2
本节课Melissa Moore讲述了,剪接体的成分和在每个工作周期中的剪接体。穆尔还解释了如何利用荧光蛋白标签和全反射显微镜的创新,使她和她的同事们能够更好地理解复接机器的有序组装与功能。
Melissa Moore (U. Mass/HHMI) PART 2: Spliceosome Structure and Dynamics
Moore goes on to describe the cellular splicing machine, the spliceosome, in greater detail in PART 2. She lists the components of the spliceosome and where each works in the spliceosome cycle. Moore also explains how the innovative use of fluorescent protein tags and total internal reflection microscopy has allowed her and her colleagues to better understand the ordered assembly and function of the complex splicing machine.
Photoreceptors and Image Processing PART 1A - Jeremy Nathans
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) PART 1A: Photoreceptors and Image Processing
In this set of lectures, Jeremy Nathans explores the molecular mechanisms within the retina that mediate the first steps in vision. The first lecture focuses on the structure of the light sensing receptors, the intracellular signals that are triggered by light absorption, and the ways in which the retina extracts information from a complex scene. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org
Photoreceptors and Image Processing PART 1B - Jeremy Nathans
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) PART 1B: Photoreceptors and Image Processing
In this set of lectures, Jeremy Nathans explores the molecular mechanisms within the retina that mediate the first steps in vision. The first lecture focuses on the structure of the light sensing receptors, the intracellular signals that are triggered by light absorption, and the ways in which the retina extracts information from a complex scene. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org
Assembly-Line Biosynthesis of Polyketide Antibiotics:PART 1
Chaitan Khosla从进化生物学、化学、结构研究装配线polyketid抗生素生物合成,介绍装配线的机制,分析一个模块的SAXS和连续两模块SAXS。
Assembly-Line Biosynthesis of Polyketide Antibiotics:PART2
从装配线酶的工具和特异性研究体内的重构,纯化的蛋白质的装配线重建。讲解核心反应分析、 定向性、下游延伸单位的特异性酶、装配线的扩展单元的特异性、反式互补的高活性酶。