Dave deBronkart:所有病人应彼此交流
当Dave deBronkart了解到他得了一种罕见的晚期癌症,他在网上向和他一样的一群病人求助,并且找到了一种甚至他自己的医生都没听过的治疗方法。这救了他的命。 现在他号召所有的病人彼此交流,了解自身的健康数据,使医疗事业在每个e-病人的基础上变得更好。
博妮 柏索:细菌是怎样交流的?
博妮 柏索发现细菌间是会交谈的,它们用一种化学语言来达到共同防卫,协同攻击的行为。这个发现对今后的医疗,工业有着重大的意义,包括怎样认识我们人类自己。
细菌交流通过群感效应 - Bonnie Bassler P1
Bonnie Bassler (Princeton) Part 1: Bacterial Communication via Quorum Sensing
Bacteria, primitive single-celled organisms, communicate with chemical languages that allow them to synchronize their behavior and thereby act as enormous multi-cellular organisms. This process is called quorum sensing and it enables bacteria to successfully infect and cause disease in plants, animals, and humans. Investigations of the molecular mechanisms underlying quorum sensing are leading to the development of novel strategies to interfere with quorum sensing. These strategies form the basis of new therapies to be used as antibiotics. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org
癌细胞是如何形成这些集群的?什么目标可以打破这些集群?结论:现有的框架:混合E / M状态是暂时的,即细胞不能维持很长一段时间;建议的框架:混合E / M状态是稳定的,并可以使形成的CTC集群